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Too Early to Know Who's Winning

Now Available!

Too Early to Know Who's Winning, a novel of the Trump years, available at https://blackrosewriting.com/womens/tooearlytoknowwhoswinning and at Bookshop.org. Currently also on Kindle Unlimited. 

Advance Praise

"With clear eyes, courage, and wit, Karla Huebner's Too Early to Know Who's Winning captures the uncertainty, fear, desperation, and grief of the early Trump era. Through the eyes of her protagonist, professor and historian Jacobine Flaa, Huebner recounts the harrowing days of the new normal, a time in which everyday life seemed otherworldly and the unimaginable likely, in which hate-speech, bigotry, and outbursts of violence began to fray communities, and Americans rediscovered their capacity for protest. From "American carnage" to alternative facts, from the Muslim ban to the Women's March, from the Russia investigation to Charlottesville, Huebner documents the emotion and psychological fracturing of a nation. Too Early to Know Who's Winning is also a penetrating exploration of mortality, companionship, mental health, and the search for glimmers of light in an ever-darkening world." –Fredrick Soukup, author of Bliss and Blood Up North

Readers Say...

"This novel is very funny in a low-key way and it's a page-turner. It pounces on what is droll in ordinary contemporary life and the writing is economical and tasty." --Peter De Lissovoy


"One of the many pleasures of this novel lies in its razor-sharp and very funny observations of contemporary life—Midwestern marriages, Amish chickens, museum docent rebellions, the plethora of festival weekends, medicated students—to name a few. But above all, its honest and hilarious depiction of a female friendship based mostly on convenience is a fascinating study in human relations and will feel all-too-familiar to many." --Kathy Anderson


"Although the book wasn't intended for my demographic -- I'm not female and I'm not sure I'm even a liberal anymore -- I found the book very delightful." --Cesar Love


"I very much liked Jacobine, the writing is good and gently funny and any book that chooses a close to sixty, single woman as its heroin has my vote." --Marie-Helene


"If you feel like you only just made it out of the tRump presidency by the skin of your teeth, this book is for you." --Monix Villamar


"Karla Huebner's Too Early to Know Who's Winning explores the uncertainty of the early years of the Trump presidency in vivid detail, through the eyes and soul of a woman desperate to find hope and meaning in the time she has left." --Gail Olmsted